Monsoon Season Is Here! Here’s How to Keep Your Community Prepared

Summer is Arizona monsoon season, which brings dramatic storms, dust and wind, including heavy rains and hail. Getting through monsoon season unscathed requires a little preparation, no matter how old or new your home is—forewarned is forearmed.

Monsoons are a weather phenomenon that occurs when there’s a shift in wind direction. They can be wet summer monsoons, or bring dry weather in the winter. Arizona has wet summer monsoons, which blow from the cold to warm regions. The season runs from mid-June to late September, and typically brings about 40 to 50 percent of the state’s annual rainfall. It’s not always wet, however—the 2019 Arizona monsoon season was commonly referred to as the “non-soon,” thanks to the lack of precipitation.

Here are some recommendations on how to prepare for a monsoon in Phoenix, AZ:

  • Prepare trees and plants for heavy storms: Trees and plants can break or be uprooted during heavy rains, which loosen the soil and damage weak branches. Trim your trees and stake any new plants so they won’t be damaged in wind and rain.
  • Check roofs for leaks: Roofs are another likely source of damage—check them to look for leaks, as well as missing or damaged shingles. You may want to have a professional evaluate your roof, as the last thing you want is to deal with a leak during a huge storm.
  • Clean out your gutters and downspouts: While you’re checking the roof, take the opportunity to clean out your gutters and downspouts. If your drainage is poor, water can build up and flood the roof or soak into the foundation, causing structural damage, mold and other unpleasant issues.
  • Seal openings: Take a look around your home and evaluate the openings. Do your windows leak? Is there a draft coming in from your front door? These are all places where water can get in, so replace your weatherstripping if you’re noticing a problem.
  • Look for drainage issues: Have you noticed water puddling on your lawn or around your property? Talking to a landscape professional can help you develop a plan to eliminate drainage issues so they won’t cause disruption when the rain starts to fall.
  • Know where your electrical panel is located: Power outages are common during monsoon season, so make sure you know where your electrical panel is located and how to flip the breakers if there’s a problem.
  • Clean out storage areas: Finally, cleaning out your storage areas, such as garages and sheds, is a good idea to prepare for the season. Flooding is common, so try to store everything off the ground in case water comes into your storage rooms. Try to store your car in the garage whenever possible, as branches and other flying debris often damage cars during monsoon season.

Sharing these tips for monsoon season in Phoenix, AZ will help your community stay safe and keep their homes undamaged this summer.

When you need a professional, experienced HOA management company, work with Thrive Community Management. Call us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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